team 4

The Zip File for Oahu_TWS Layout is ready to import so you can easily use


The last update to this file was on:

Date: October 09, 2017 (for week of Oct 10th)

Time: 18:30 (6:30p) Singapore Time

Next Update: Monday, October 23rd


The markets listed in the file are:

ES - E-Mini S&P
GC - Gold
CL - Crude Oil
ZN- 10 YR Notes


- The report uses options that creates an aggressive trade called "debit" spreads.

- On certain markets, there is a report that gives a slightly favorable edge using "credit" spreads.

- You can get the above "credit" spread report during an ACE Mentorship session

- Select whether you want to play the "OVER" or "UNDER"

- Use the "Ask" column to Buy and transmit

- Once your order is filled, check the Account button to monitor