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Institutional Managed Futures Programs

Oahu Managed Futures

Listen to our Podcast

In this audio podcast episode, I'll give an overview on how managed futures, role of "CTAs" and why one should consider alternative investments as part of a traditional stock, bond, real estate portfolio.

Click to listen to Teacher's Retirement System (State of Illinois)

The Value of Managed Futures Programs

Oahu Capital Group, LLC is a registered Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) and member of the National Futures Association.  Learn how managed futures could potentially reduce volatility risk and enhance returns in your investment portfolio.  Oahu clears its managed futures business through Straits Financial.


Schedule a call +1 808 838 7500 (USA) or +65 9088 6721 (Asia)

Read more: Institutional Managed Futures Programs

ACE Weekly Options Report

Want to plan Option Strategies each week?

At the start of each week, get a summary across major futures markets. Which options are cheap versus expensive? Quickly scan our Weekly Option report to determine which strategies give you a theoretical edge. .

Read more: ACE Weekly Options Report

Oahu TWS Live

Every bit of support helps!

Would it be helpful importing a file template in your trading platform with option spreads from our education?  Electronic trading platforms are rich with features. However, it can be intimidating for new users or entering sophisticated orders for the first time, especially multi-legged option spreads. What if we helped you get started? 

Read more: Oahu TWS Live

ACE-OAHU Mentorship

Our ACE Mentorship program is designed to give you 1-on-1 personal time to craft your trade plan. You'll walk away with an understanding of different strategies you can use immediately around your view of markets.

Read more: ACE-OAHU Mentorship